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Patient Testimonial: Finding Relief from “Normal” Menopause Symptoms with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

April 25, 2024

While the average age women experience menopause in the U.S., Christine started expecting the symptoms of menopause early, at just 45 years old. Despite this early transition and her career as a nurse, it took time before Christine, now 53 years old, was ready to seek treatment.

In fact, unlike most patients who are referred to Renuva by friends, physicians or others, Christine interacted with Dr. Colleen McCleery in a professional setting, chatting about her area of expertise – menopause and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT).

She had even heard success stories from other coworkers – fellow nurses – about the benefits of BHRT in pellet form. But still, she wasn’t ready.

“I thought about it, but I chickened out. I told myself menopause was normal,” says Christine. 

Eventually, Christine realized Dr. McCleery had described exactly what she was experiencing – and she decided to make an appointment.  

By that time, Christine’s symptoms had really begun to take a toll.

“The symptoms started compounding. I exercise and I’m active but when I stepped on the scale, I was 10 pounds heavier than I thought I was. Intercourse became painful. I have a comfortable relationship with my OB/GYN but I felt brushed off,” says Christine.

As part of her initial visit, Christine completed routine blood work and was shocked to learn all of her hormone levels were at dramatically low levels, some as low as zero. But almost immediately after starting treatment, Christine saw a change.

“It was like night and day,” she says. “The first thing I noticed was the hot flashes stopped, which was insane because they were horrible. Slowly, I noticed I was sleeping longer stretches, I was happier, I had more of sex drive. And, even though I had been exercising all along, I was able to lose 35 pounds.”

Today, after being treated by Dr. McCleery for nearly two years, Christine feels great – and is back to the person she was before menopause.

“I’m an entirely different person than when I was in the midst of menopause – even my husband has noticed the difference. Hormone replacement therapy has changed my life and now I’m the one recommending it to other women.”